مجلة الباحث الإقتصادي
Volume 7, Numéro 1, Pages 47-57

Development Of Small And Medium Enterprises (smes) In Algeria

Authors : Mechaali Bilal . Mahrez Salah .


The purpose of this paper is to discuss the situation of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Algeria, which are still developing. SMEs are playing a major role but their contribution has not be discussed or well researched in Algeria. The development of the small and medium enterprises sector in Algeria has become an inevitable necessity dictated by the current situation of the search for an alternative economy to the rent economy which relies on the hydrocarbon sector as the main source of income. The new directive Law 17-02, In this direction gives stronger legal support for the development of small and medium enterprises in Algeria.


Algeria ; SMEs ; Directive Law ; Economic Development ; support and development policies