les cahiers du mecas
Volume 9, Numéro 1, Pages 114-136

أبعـــــاد الزكـــــاة الاقتصاديـــــة والاجتماعيـــــة دراسـة مقارنـة بيـن تجربتـي ماليزيـا والجزائـر

الكاتب : بوكليخة بومدين . بوثلجة عبد الناصر .


The impact of Zakat on a range of economic and social variables makes it plays a crucial role in economic development, which costitutes a necessary step in achieving an overall development. Thus, it has become imperative for the state to take the leadership in the collection and spending process in a way similar to that ruled by Islamic law . Using a comparative study between the Algerian experience and that of Malysia known as the leader in this field , we aim to highlight the role of the Algerian Zakat Fund in achieving economic and social development.

الكلمات المفتاحية

Zakat, Development, Institutions