Volume 11, Numéro 2, Pages 191-210

Enhancing Efl Students’ Writing Skill Through The Use Of Paragraph Punch Software

Authors : Cherfaoui Samia . Kaouli Nadir .


Abstract This study seeks to investigate the effectiveness of the use of paragraph punch software which was first developed by Merit Evaluation Software in 2002 and used with kids from 5th to 10th grade in the U.S. It is a software that helps students in a step by step process to come up with a good piece of writing. It takes the student through all the writing process stages starting from the use of brainstorming techniques right to the final stage of publishing a very well written paragraph with first year LMD students at the department of English, Laghouat University, during the academic year 2017-2018. An experimental study was conducted with the students during the 2nd semester, April, 2018, and then followed by a survey questionnaire administered to students to provide answers concerning their experience of writing using the paragraph punch software. The findings revealed that almost the majority of the students were happy with its use mainly because their paragraphs were very well organized and look neat to the eye of the reader compared with the way they were when they were writing in the traditional way through the pen and paper.


FL ; Paragraph-Punch ; CALL ; Software