Volume 8, Numéro 14, Pages 236-255

المسح العقاري بين التشريع والتطبيق في الجزائر

الكاتب : زغدود جغلول . نعيمة حاجي .


Algeriaisstrugglingtogainexperienceof scanning thereal estate considering itthe only optionto purgea marketin a chaotic situation, since1975.Also Algeria tries to stop different abuses andnegative phenomena, and make it as a basisto establish recordsin order to achievereal estate properties as a final end for a better rolein development. As a matter of fact Algeria has devoted all thematerialandhuman resources and organization alguarante eprovided in accordance with the planned pace and thuscirculated toal lthe national territory.

الكلمات المفتاحية

scanning the real estate