Revue Des Sciences Humaines
Volume 28, Numéro 1, Pages 159-175
Authors : Labiod Ahlem .
Several studies acknowledge the importance of integrating reading and writing in one subject but few EFL contexts seem to consider this claim. Teachers Training School of Constantine (ENSC), Algeria, is a standing case where these two language skills are till nowadays taught as discrete subjects neglecting new ways of a more meaningful learning. This paper reports the findings of an empirical study which investigates the impact of the implementation of an integrated reading/writing instruction through the use of reading response journals (RRJs) on trainees' achievements in these two skills. An experimental design is used where a treatment intervention is applied preceded by a pretest and followed by a posttest. A quantitative analysis is conducted confirming that teaching EFL reading and writing in an integrated way through RRJs helped enhance trainees' level in both skills.
Integrated ; Reading ; Writing Instruction ; EFL Trainees ; Teachers Training School ; Constantine ; ENSC
بوسالم أحلام
عابد يوسف
ص 117-132.
Yahia Zeghoudi
pages 74-88.
Kiouche Nedjoua
Beghoul Youcef
pages 29-44.