المجلة المغاربية للإقتصاد و المانجمت
Volume 3, Numéro 2, Pages 123-138

Impact Of Quality Assurance Components On Economics Education: Evidence From Tertiary Institutions In Nigeria

Authors : L Raimi, .


The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of quality assurance on Economics Education in selected tertiary institutions in Nigeria. In specific terms, the study examines the impact of quality assurance components such as style of teaching, curriculum contents, instructional facilities, funding of the school system and learning environment on quality of Economics Education in Nigeria’s Degree Programmes. To gather more insight on the study, a review of relevant literature on quality assurance was made out to enrich the study. For the, the survey strategy was adopted, while relying on questionnaire instrument as technique for data collection. Considering the exploratory nature of the study, a sample size of 150 students was chosen using purposive sampling technique. With a coordinated follow-up with the respondents, 123 out of 150 questionnaires were returned for descriptive and inferential statistical analyses. The findings from the study are mixed. The paper concludes with far-reaching recommendations for improved quality assurance awareness, enhanced learning environment, increased funding for the school system, and improved teaching/learning infrastructural facilities and deployment of better teaching styles by lecturers.


Economics Education, Nigeria, Quality Assurance

Conflict Management Strategies And Performance Of Tertiary Institutions In South-south, Nigeria

Ayandele Isaac .  Ogosi Francis .  Andem Francis .  Zibigha Weniebi . 
pages 09-38.