Algerian Journal of Research and Technology
Volume 2, Numéro 1, Pages 46-53

Vision Based Vehicle Speed Measurement System Using Camera B.

Authors : Alshaqaqi B .


The advanced driver assistance systems have strong limitations for real-time execution. Vision algorithms included in these systems must balance accuracy and computational simplicity and there is an ongoing challenge to increase both goals. The vehicle detection is the first and most important step in our system. In this article we define a technique to achieve the desired result, we have recurred in the same direction symmetry approaches in the use of the Hough transformed straight to detect and limit the search space. We show an efficient performance for the detection of vehicle on the track it by matching by measuring the SAD correlation algorithm and finally, using the geometric foundations, distance and speed are calculated.


Vehicle detection, Symmetry, Transformed, Hough algorithm, SAD measure distance and speed.

Road Traffic Mean Speed Estimation Using A Camera

Bekhti Mohammed Abdessamad .  Alshaqaqi Belal Abdelaziz Ibrahim . 
pages 32-36.