Journal of Advanced Research in Science and Technology
Volume 6, Numéro 1, Pages 931-936

Physical Properties Of Semiconductors Used For Renewable Energies

Authors : Bouhfs Choayb . Chitroub Mohamed .


In the last several decades many research are focused towards renewable energy sources among this sources there is the thermoelectricity which generated by thermoelectric materials. Thermoelectric materials is one of the most promising source of renewable energies. It’s based on the conversation of waste energy to useful one. This work will focus on the enhancement of advanced thermoelectric materials CoSb3 were prepared bay hot pressed and characterized by X-ray. Thermoelectric characterization was done through measurements of the electrical and thermal conductivities as well as the Seebeck coefficient between room temperature and 750K. All samples had p-type conductivity. The dimensionless thermoelectric figure of merit ZT increases with increasing temperature and reaches a maximum value of 0.15 at 750K.


skutterudite ; electrical conductivities ; thermal conductivities ; Seebeck coefficient ; figure of merit ZT