Journal of Materials and Engineering Structures
Volume 2, Numéro 1, Pages 16-25

Numerical Investigation Of Damage Protective Oxide Mechanisms In Thermal Barrier System For Aeronautical Turbine Blade

Authors : Khelifa Hocine . Yousfi Ahmed . Gribiz Djaloul . Boumaza A. Charif .


The choice of a material for a given application requires insuring a good durability in its conditions of employment, in particular environmental. It is especially true for the systems destined to work in corrosive hot atmospheres. For it, the knowledge and the understanding of the corrosion phenomena, oxidization, ageing and damage are indispensable in order to anticipate the life period of the structures and to propose the adapted protective solutions. The study of the corrosion in high temperature is therefore a greatly interdisciplinary topic, into the interface of the physico-chemistry, metallic and ceramic materials and mechanics. We propose in this work a finite element method for the simulation of EBPVD TBCs spallation. Our studies concern one of several systems that we call thermal barrier coatings, which are a Composite materials deposited in layers on the hot components to isolate them chemically and thermally at high temperatures. This is the last operational technology adapted on aircraft engines but it is still studied and not fully exploited.This comprehensive article describes the systems currently used and the problem of interaction between mechanical and environment in the turbine.


thermal barrier coating; mechanicalbehavior; Oxidation; High temperature deformation.

Numerical Investigation Of Latent Heat Thermal Energy Storage System

Benlekkam Mohamed Lamine .  Nehari Driss .  Cheriet Nassira . 
pages 229-235.

Fatigue Estimation For A Rotating Blade Of A Wind Turbine

Mahri Z.l. .  Rouabah M.s. . 
pages 39-47.

Buckling Behavior Of Wind Turbine Blade

Ounis H. .  Balehouane A. . 
pages 509-516.

Modelling And Numerical Investigation Of The Thermal Properties Effect On The Soil Temperature In Adrar Region

Djamel Belatrache .  Nadia Saifi .  Abdelkader Harrouz .  Said Bentouba . 
pages 165-174.