دراسات إنسانية واجتماعية
Volume 8, Numéro 1, Pages 217-232

مفهوم الفكرة بين ديكارت ولوك.

الكاتب : طحطاح مبروك .


Abstract: The view is becoming famous in the history of modern philosophy that the experimentalism upheld by Locke is direct against the Descartes rationalism, and the positions of Descartes and Locke have been set in antithetical opposition to each other. This view seems to me to be unsatisfactory. therefore, I shall attempt to disprove it. This study is an attempt to discuss the notion of idea between Descartes and Locke in order to know the role That it plays in their philosophies. And to realise the difference or agreement between them. I will try to argue that Locke's notion of idea is not easy to draw a single conception of the term idea, and the same thing with Descartes. this term is ambiguous in several ways in their philosophies. . the idea may refer to act of thinking, or the object of thought. or representation.. It is certainly that both Locke and Descartes are not different from each other in their usage to this notion. I think that Locke's notion of idea is one example of a term borrowed from Descartes. It can hardly be doubted that the whole conception of ideas as the proper object of knowledge is Cartesian in origin.

الكلمات المفتاحية

Idea - perception – knowledge - act of thinking - object of thought. – Rationalism - experimentalism.

فكرة الله بين ديكارت وسبينوزا

عبيدالله زهرة .  بلحنافي جوهر . 
ص 1167-1185.

الشك بين أوغسطين و ديكارت

قدور رشيد . 
ص 1401-1425.

التأملات في الفلسفة الأولى بين ديكارت وهوسرل

عطاءالله حليمة .  طحطاح مبروك . 
ص 111-119.