الاكاديمية للدراسات الاجتماعية و الانسانية
Volume 5, Numéro 1, Pages 136-142

فعالية تطبيق برنامج للتصور العقلي البصري في تطوير مستوى الاداء المهاري لرياضيي الكراتي دو

الكاتب : بلعيد عقيل عبد القادر .


This study deals with one of the modern techniques in the field of cognitive psychology which completes the process of training for the karate-do coaches, in order to develop the level of athletic performance in general, and performance skills in particular. The study contains two homogeneous groups ; one is experimental and the other is control group.The researcher implements a training programme on the skill of visual mental imagery on an experimental sample consisting of (06) high level athletes in karate-do, specialty Kumite, to see the impact of this type of training on the development of the skill performance level of gyaku-tsuki. The findings of the study show that there is a direct positive correlation between the development of the level of visual mental imagery and performances kills of the karate-do athletes, after a regular training program that was presented to the members of the experimental sample to develop their capabilities in visual mental imagery, and provide them with the knowledge and all the basics that would enable them to use appropriately the mental training skills with in the training process.The researcher recommends the use of such mental programs for the development of the mental capacity of athletes to raise their level of athletic performance.

الكلمات المفتاحية

Visual Mental Imagery, Performance Skills, Karate-do.