مجلة اقتصاديات شمال افريقيا
Volume 14, Numéro 1, Pages 225-242
الكاتب : محمد عبد اللوش . فريد كورتل .
This study aimed to identify the impact of information quality on achieving competitive advantage for “African Company of Glass”, and test the differences in the assessment of the respondents to information quality in the company depending on their different demographic and functional characteristics, we used a questionnaire to collect data from the sample study, data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), and the appropriate statistical techniques. The study's results showed the weakness of the company's efforts to achieve a competitive advantage, and the presence of the impact of information quality on achieving competitive advantage. The study also found that there were no significant statistical differences in the assessment of the respondents to information quality in the company depending on their different demographic and functional characteristics (gender, educational level, function, and experience).
Information Quality, Competitive Advantage, African Company of Glass
جبلي حسيبة
شاكور السعيد شوقي
ص 560-595.
مقراش فوزية
ص 200-212.
شاطر شفيق
صابة مختار
ص 97-108.
بوتيقار هاجر
زايـد اد
ص 243-272.