مجلة اقتصاديات شمال افريقيا
Volume 14, Numéro 1, Pages 23-44

إدارة سياسات الهجرة الدولية:‏ نظرة عامة على جهود المنظمات الدولية ودول الاستقبال

الكاتب : ‏ عبد الرحمــان مسـاهل .


Policies adopted by Receiving States are almost identical. Most of these countries follow an ‎selection policy, a policy known and followed by many Receiving countries, especially the United ‎States, Canada, the European Union and the golf country. The selective policy is a set of ‎Procedures framed by certain laws to encourage the recruitment of many scientific and technical ‎skills, businessmen, doctors, engineers, unskilled workers…. The International organizations ‎Working efforts to the International Migration Management and application of the principle of ‎human and immigration rights

الكلمات المفتاحية

Brain Drain, Selective Policies, Asylum, Resettlement, Naturalisation, Remittances