دراسات وأبحاث
Volume 10, Numéro 3, Pages 871-900

Environmental Crime As A Manifestation Of Economic Crime According To Algerian Law

Authors : Hazzab Nadia .


Environmental crime is one of the most recent newly emerging crimes, the scope of which has widened because of its rapid spread and its negative effects on both the environment and human life. Environmental crime has been adapted from economic crimes, because if we take the principle of the economy's association with money, and the philosophy of saying that every degradation in the balance of money is an economic crime, causing any disruption of the environment by polluting it must be matched by a balance of the money, so we can adapt the crime of environmental pollution. As an economic crime, having repercussions and negative effects on the national economy.


Environmental crime -economic crime-physical element-mental Element -criminal sanct

La Note Du Traducteur Comme Manifestation De La Dissonance Cognitive Translator’s Note As A Cognitive Dissonance Manifestation

Taibi Mohamed Yassine .  Boukhalfa Mohamed Reda .  Louli Boukhalfa Nesrine . 
pages 165-177.