مجلة العلوم الاجتماعية والإنسانية
Volume 6, Numéro 1, Pages 113-130

السياسة الجنائية في مكافحة الجرائم الإرهابية في ظل التشريع الجزائري

الكاتب : زواقري طاهر . لخذاري عبد المجيد .


Terrorism is one of the serious global crimes which targeted the Algerian people and their country at the beginning of the last decade of the last century, leading legislator to draw a criminal policy that brought together the rules of criminal law and the principles of peace, reconciliation and the embodiment of bilateral, regional and international agreements, all interact with the control on the field to the remnants of terrorism, which generate an efficacy of Algerian politics in this area that has become the focus of all countries and authorities،Which is not a secret that terrorism tried to prejudice the Algerian people and the sovereignty of the state and its institutions throughout the black decimal when all national savior rose up with weapons, views and sincere words to combat it, thus the Algerian armed forces led by National People's Army as always in the forefront of address, faced terrorism with strength and courage which left and continue to make its marks in the nation's recent history; the enormous sacrifices by lives and property by the Algerian State seen in army, power and people are the most important national expressions to reject terrorism and all what is related to it such as ignorance , extremism, corruption, and dissolution of the values and principles, which are all factors that have created and fed terrorism, also those sacrifices are real expressions of the efforts of the Algerian state in the formulation of a criminal policy that took into account all the essential elements in combating this phenomenon as well as treatment of its political, economic, social and psychological effects... It was therefore upon us today to highlight these efforts and define them because it has become a pilot experience brought the attention of international and regional States and organizations that become look at Algeria's experience in the eradication of terrorist crimes.

الكلمات المفتاحية

Terrorism, peace, Algerian politics