Volume 19, Numéro 2, Pages 210-273

جدلية الأمر بالمعروف والنهي عن المنكر والحريات العامة، رؤية تأصيلية مقاصدية

الكاتب : عبد الحليم بيشي .


The aim of this research is to deal with one of the mostimportant value of Islam which is the enjoinin is right and forbidding what is wrong .This in relationhip with individual. Communal or governmmental purposes and whith taking consideration aspects of modern life .Moreover it deals with the relationship of the deals issue with individual liberty and freedom and how to preserve Islamic duties and to orgnaze the societies according to the given religious values then. In order to protect the relligion. Thesecurity of the population and the public order . Another ai mis to unveil the extremist groups and expose the right use of this value and warn from the wrong use of this later through seeking its conditions. Its different stages and also its modern substitutions and then to reach the Religions consensus which is one of the most important aspect in Islam ;finally ; fighting the wrong understanding and interpretations and revive the efficiency in Islamic life.

الكلمات المفتاحية

جدلية الأمر بالمعروف والنهي عن المنكر والحريات العامة، رؤية تأصيلية مقاصدية