مجلة عصور الجديدة
Volume 2, Numéro 5, Pages 222-244
الكاتب : بليل محمد .
The French colonialism adopted an exclusionary colonial policy for the Algerian people and its Political and cultural elite to participate in the colonial institutions, And erase his language and Confiscation of its lands and many rich families turned into poor families
The French colonialism; the Algerian people;Ibn Badis;North African unity
بوسالم أحلام
عابد يوسف
ص 117-132.
Yahia Zeghoudi
pages 74-88.
البشير فضل عبدالكريم
ص 175-196.
عبد الرحيم ليندة
عبد الرحيم خديجة
ص 6-27.
Tyrväinen Helena
pages 69-105.