Al Athar مجلة الأثـــــــــــــــر
Volume 11, Numéro 13, Pages 256-270

تمظهر الخطاب الديني في الرواية المغاربية المعاصرة رواية " مدينة الرياح " للكاتب الموريتاني موسى ولد إبنو "نموذجا

الكاتب : بنوناس مفيدة .


Is religious discourse hiring extensively in the novel of contemporary Arab, because it reflects Arab culture and depicts the system of intellectual community, in this sense came our study to examine the forms of employment of religious discourse in the novel Maghreb contemporary inspired by the novel Windy City novelist Mauritanian "Moses welde Ibno" model because it is the stage advanced novel writing the Maghreb, where I pleaded with all the contemporary mechanisms interact with the recipient, so we will try to stand on religious discourse in the novel of Mauritania and its mechanisms and its properties, and analysis, explaining its forms that emerged in the events and how they interact with the characters of the novel .

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