مجلة عصور الجديدة
Volume 2, Numéro 6, Pages 153-168

محمد العربي بن مهيدي ودوره في تنظيم العمل الفدائي بمدينة الجزائر (أكتوبر 1956- مارس 1957)mohammed Al-arabi Bin Mehdi And His Role In The Organization Of Fidaii Action In The City Of Algiers (october 1956 - March 1957)

الكاتب : بوشنافي محمد .


The martyr Muhammad al-Arabi bin Muhaidi is the most prominent figure who played a prominent role in the outbreak of the revolution of November 1954, where his name is mentioned in all the important stations, both during the preparation of the revolution or during that until his death on 3 or 4 March 1957

الكلمات المفتاحية

Mohammed al-Arabi bin Mehdi ;role; the organization ;the city of Algiers