Bulletin du Service Géologique de l'Algérie
Volume 11, Numéro 2, Pages 185-194

L évolution Tardi-magmatique Des Granites à Métaux Rares : L Exemple De La Coupole De Tin-amzi (hoggar - Algérie)

Auteurs : Afalfiz Abdelhafid . Marignac Christian . Semroud Belkacem . Kolli Omar .


a basal gneisses complex and a summital schistous unit. The present study reports a general features of strataboud ores in Little Kabylia massif with taking into consideration thedepositional conditions of the host-rocks. According to the references works in the world about the caracteristic features of sedimentary exhalative (SEDEX) type of ore body, we have adopted a setting model for these polymetallic concentrations, which can be used in orientation stage of prospecting metals in maghrebide chain.

Mots clés

Basement- Metallogeny-Petite Kabylie-Strtabound -Metamorphosed- Hydrothermal Mineralisation