مجلة عصور الجديدة
Volume 3, Numéro 9, Pages 210-223
الكاتب : بوشنافي محمد .
The aspects of Moroccan favor for the Algerian revolution, and the role of the Algerian delegation in earning it 1954-1962 What matters to us in this matter is the relationship between Morocco- Marrakech- and the Algerian revolution, and what forms of support the revolution received from the Moroccan brothers between 1954-1962? What is the role of the revolutionaries in winning this favor and support?
Moroccan;favor;the Algerian revolution;the role; the Algerian delegation
لهلالي إسعد
لهلالي سلوى
ص 256-276.
محمدي محمد
ص 53-66.
بوقاعدة البشير
ص 225-237.
بلعالية ميلود
ص 150-168.