مجلة عصور الجديدة
Volume 3, Numéro 10, Pages 96-115

الحجاري وإسهاماته الثقافية: كتاب المسهب أنموذجا.

الكاتب : بوشريط أمحمد .


Al-Hajari and his cultural contributions: Al-Masehab is a model. One of the examples of Al-Masehab, which the Andalusians have the right to be proud of, is the book "al-Masehab" by the author of the hajjari. It was fortunate that the texts of this book or some of it were preserved at both the al-makari of Nafah al-Tayeb and Ibn Sa'id in his book "al-Moghrib" It is in this paper that we should know - albeit briefly - about this cultural impact, which we hope researchers will undertake to collect and achieve

الكلمات المفتاحية

Al-Hajari;cultural contributions;Al-Masehab;Al-Masehab