مجلة سيميائيات
Volume 12, Numéro 1, Pages 18-26

Coding, Code And Communicativity

Authors : Abbes Samir .


It is known that code is interessant since ROMAN JAKOBSON theory for communication, and linguistics define code by : < a system of signals ( or signs, or symbols), which is destinated by a prior convention , to represent and to transmit the information inbetween the sourse ( or emitter) of signals and the destination point ( reciever) >(1), and this definition gives way to understand the nature of a code as a possibility among different possibilities which convention could create from a single system, the colors system for example is so rich that is open to different kind of colors codes, traffic lights and also significations related to human mood where clear colors mean opness , happiness and amiability, when dark colors have the meanings of discretion, sadness and hostility, and maybe it is understood that context plays a big role in concentrating convention upon some systems which take more importance for some societies to create more and more codes, like what happens with visual system, and especially colors system, therefore some semiotic system are more rich with codes than other systems due to context effect . So the invention of paper gave more importance to the writing system so that it is resulted more writing codes which are named calligraphy , also the invention of computer added more importance to use numeric system through developping more numeric codes which helped a lot in proliferating of programation logiciels. Therefore it appears that code is what makes a system of signs communicational ; and it is possible to notice that is in some hoods of strangers wherein the context of need to loyalty concepts gives way to the social systems like parentage to be effective through family code.


Coding-Code –communicativity-ROMAN JAKOBSON