مجلة علوم الإنسان والمجتمع
Volume 13, Numéro 2, Pages 602-613

The Circumcellions And Human Sacrifices (a Socio-cultural Approach In North Africa 4th - 5th Century)

Authors : Oulmi Rabie .


The Circumcellions were a phenomenon in Christian Africa in the fourth and fifth centuries that has been the subject of many interpretations. Its study has been obscured by theoretical issues concerning the capacity of religious movements to include social aspects, such as their behaviour in offering human sacrifices. This article takes up certain aspects of the question of the Circumcellions, particularly with regard to their origins, their nature and the interpretation of their actions in Numidia during the fourth and fifth centuries. The problematic of this study is based on the following questions: Why do the Circumcellions offer human sacrifices? What is it that drives them to commit suicide and consider themselves voluntary martyrs? Les Circoncellions étaient un phénomène en Afrique chrétienne aux IVe et Ve siècles qui ont fait l'objet de nombreuses interprétations. Son étude a été obscurcie par des questions théoriques concernant la capacité des mouvements religieux à inclure des aspects sociaux, tels que leur comportement en offrant des sacrifices humains. Cet article aborde certains aspects de la question des Circoncellions, notamment en ce qui concerne leurs origines, leur nature et l'interprétation de leurs actions en Numidie aux IVe et Ve siècles. La problématique de cette étude repose sur les questions suivantes : Pourquoi les Circoncellions offrent-elles des sacrifices humains ? Qu'est-ce qui les pousse à se suicider et à se considérer comme des martyrs volontaires ?


Circumcellions ; human sacrifices ; North Africa ; Numidia ; Donatist schism