مجلة إضافات إقتصادية
Volume 8, Numéro 2, Pages 640-657

Energy Audit As A Mechanism For Measuring The Amount Of Electricity And Gas Lost Under The High Energy Crisis Applied Study Distribution Directorate Of The Ghardaia

Authors : Zoubir Mohamed . Abdennebi Fatiha .


This study aimed to recognize energy auditing and its role in measuring the quantities of electricity and gas lost. To address the problems of the study, we analyzed statistics from the Directorate of Distribution with a Ghardaia showing the quantities consumed by electricity and gas for the period 2018-2020 in order to know the quantities lost and their causes. The study found that the Department of Electricity and Gas checks and checks the quantities of lost electricity and gas for technical and non-technical reasons. The amount of electricity lost in three years will cover approximately 41125 customers, while the gas is estimated at 1853 customers هدفت هذه الدراسة للتعرف على التدقيق الطاقوي ودوره في قياس كميات الضائعة من الكهرباء والغاز، ولمعالجة إشكالية الدراسة قمنا بتحليل إحصائيات مقدمة من مديرية التوزيع بغرداية موضحة للكميات المستهلكة من الكهرباء والغاز للفترة الممتدة من 2018- 2020 وأن كمية ضائعة من الكهرباء خلال 3سنوات ستغطي ما يقارب 41125 زبون، أما الغاز قدر بـ 1853 زبون.


Auditing; lost energy; global energy crisis; electricity; gas