افاق للعلوم
Volume 9, Numéro 4, Pages 97-113

Digital Evidence And Proving Cybercrime “between High Technology And Law Constraints”

Authors : Yousfi Rihab . Louarem Wahiba .


The advent of the Internet and the development of information technology have led to new forms of criminality. Technology is now used both as a means of committing crimes and as an object of crimes. Consequently, law enforcement agencies must adapt to these new forms of criminal evidence. It is essential to develop evidence-gathering methods that align with advancements in cybercrime.This evolution has given rise to a new form of evidence derived from the digital environment. Such evidence presents unique challenges due to its privacy concerns and continuous development. The distinct nature of the digital environment necessitates criminal legal provisions that are compatible with it. Therefore, a reconsideration of the procedural aspects of the adopted criminal policy is required.


Digital Evidence ; Digital Binary ; Data ; Digital Environment ; cyber crime