Beam Journal of Economic Studies
Volume 8, Numéro 2, Pages 331-343

Adopting Islamic Windows Within Traditional Banks As A Means Of Transition Towards Islamic Banking In Malaysia. Analysis Of Malayan Banking Berhad's Experience

Authors : Benbaibeche Selmane .


This study attempted to present the experience of transforming Islamic windows affiliated with conventional banks into an independent Islamic bank in Malaysia. We focused on the case of Malayan Banking Berhad (Maybank), through analyzing the differences in the average values of profitability, liquidity, and loan risks using the independent samples t-test test . This research paper has reached several results, the most important one is the existence of differences in the average ratios studied for profitability ratio (ROE), liquidity ratio (LDR), and risk ratio, with decreases of 4.29%, 7%, and 0.99% respectively, after the transformation of its Islamic window into an independent Islamic bank.


islamic windows ; islamic banking ; Malayan Banking Berhad (Maybank)