مجلة أبحاث ودراسات التنمية - Revue Recherches et Etudes en Développement -
Volume 11, Numéro 1, Pages 460-477

The Impact Of Small And Medium Enterprises On Export Diversification In Algeria - An Econometric Study For The Period (1999-2021)

Authors : Lamraoui Salim .


This study aimed to identify the reality of the small and medium enterprises sector and its impact on the diversification of exports in Algeria during the period 1999-2021, For this purpose the degree of diversification of exports was measured using the Herfindahl-Hirschmann index as a dependent variable, and the development of the number of small and medium enterprises (public and private) was presented as an independent variable. The results of the econometric analysis - reached through the use of the eviews10 software - showed that the increase in the number of small and medium enterprises in Algeria has a positive impact on the diversification of exports, but the current number is still not sufficient to achieve the targeted diversification degrees.


Small and Medium Enterprises ; Export Diversification ; Herfindahl-Hirschmann Index ; ARDL Model ; Algeria