مجلة أبحاث ودراسات التنمية - Revue Recherches et Etudes en Développement -
Volume 11, Numéro 1, Pages 411-425

Support Policies For Developing Traditional Industries And Crafts In Algeria Case Study Of The National Micro-credit Agency Angem

Authors : Gassa Amina . Bengeuttaf Ahmed .


Abstract: Through this study, we aim to learn about Algeria's supported policies for the development of traditional industries and crafts. These policies are generally aimed at enabling craftsmen to obtain the necessary financial and moral support for the development and improvement of the traditional industries and crafts sector. We used the descriptive approach on the theoretical side to examine the incoming variables, while on the applied side we relied on the analytical curriculum to study how the National Micro-credit Agency supports traditional industries and crafts within the context of the situation. We reached the conclusion regarding the significance of traditional industries and crafts in Algeria's economy and the obligation to reconsider them and to provide all financial and moral support for their development, as they are important sectors.


support policies ; Traditional industries and crafts ; Algeria ; National Microcredit Agency ANGEM