Volume 16, Numéro 2, Pages 358-369
Authors : Saghi Abdelkader .
The current study aimed to investigate the reality of teaching physical education and sports in the primary education stage according to the modern curriculum for the year 2023 from the standpoint of the subject teachers, in addition to identifying the most important difficulties and obstacles facing the physical education and sports teacher in applying the content and objectives of the curriculum in the learning and educational sessions. To achieve this goal, the descriptive and analytical approach was used by applying a questionnaire form designed by the researcher as a tool for the study, after presenting it to arbitration and ensuring its psychometric properties. It was applied to a sample that included 80 contract teachers to teach physical education and sports in primary schools in the province of Ain Defla whom were selected randomly. And after the data statistical analysis, the results showed that the reality of teaching physical education and sports in the primary education stage faces some difficulties and obstacles that prevent the implementation of the content and objectives of the 2023 curriculum, and that the absence of the document accompanying the curriculum has an impact on the process of evaluating and assessing educational sessions in the primary education stage.
ducational Curriculum ; Physical Education and Sports Session ; Primary Education Stage
بوسالم أحلام
عابد يوسف
ص 117-132.
Yahia Zeghoudi
pages 74-88.
Ben Nedjma Noureddine
pages 478-491.