Volume 16, Numéro 2, Pages 316-329

The Influence Of A Post-exercise Slow Breathing Protocol On Heart Rate Recovery

Authors : Remache Ouassime . Laydani Fouad . Yagoubi Adma .


Abstract: Background and aim: There is an established link between heart rate recovery values and breathing pace. The latter may lead to a faster heart rate recovery period. The objective of the present study was to investigate the influences of a post-exercise proposed breathing protocol on heart rate recovery. Methods: 10 healthy amateur bodybuilders were selected through word of mouth to constitute the research sample. Once one of the participants is recruited, we demend from him to identify other potential participants (snowball sampling method). The experimentation protocol was performed on an electronically braked cycle ergometer. Each participant attended the gym twice, separated by at least 48 h and no longer than seven days. In both testing sessions, the participants performed a 5 minutes warm-up. Then, they get three minutes of rest. Immediately after that, one of two 5-minute recovery protocols in a randomized order (between sessions A and B) is conducted. Either they followed the proposed slow breathing protocol, or they were instructed to breathe at a comfortable rate. Heart rate monitor polar H10 used for all heart rate measurements. Results: The results revealed that the difference between the average (HRR) of the comfortable breathing recovery and the proposed breathing protocol at (p-value <0.05) was not significant. Conclusion: Our results indicate that a breathing pace at 7.5 beats per minute did not enhance the average (HRR) after an All-out 60-second pedaling exercise.


Heart rate recovery; Slow breathing; Hypocapnia; Hyperventilation. ; .