مجلة الباحث للدراسات الأكاديمية
Volume 11, Numéro 2, Pages 41-63

Physicians Emigration: From International Recruitment Policies To Health And Economic Outcomes

Authors : Benfifi Taqyieddine .


This article focuses on the global effects of physician emigration on health and the economy of both source and destination countries. Emigration fills labor shortages in destination nations, but it may also conceal structural problems. Physicians emigrants negatively influence health and economic system in source countries, while subsidizing the rich countries as they continue to deplete poor and developing countries from their health human resources. It is necessary for policies makers in both regions to minimize drawbacks and optimize advantages. Resilient healthcare systems can be created for everyone by addressing the underlying issues and promoting international collaboration.


Economic Impacts ; Health Impacts ; Physicians Emigration ; Recipient Countries ; Source Countries.