مجلة العلوم القانونية و السياسية
Volume 15, Numéro 1, Pages 60-71

The Title : The Revisionism Trend In International Politics Through The United Nations Security Council Case Study – Russia –

Authors : Rezig Fatma . Foudi Mostafa Kamel .


The expression of dissatisfaction with the international reality is manifested in adopting behaviors and positions of dissent. This can be exemplified by the case of the Russian Federation, which has adopted a revisionist behavior to demonstrate its ability to bring about change. This is evident in its positions during various international crises, starting from its opposition to the United States and the West regarding the expansion of NATO to include Eastern European countries. It extends to its stance on the Syrian crisis, where it aligns itself with the Syrian regime, even within the corridors of the United Nations, by utilizing its veto power to obstruct any resolution against the Syrian government.


revisionnist state ;status quo ;Russsia ;security council