مجلة العلوم الاقتصادية والتسيير والعلوم التجارية
Volume 17, Numéro 1, Pages 143-161

تأثير الكلمة المنطوقة الالكترونية على تسويق خدمات الضيافة -دراسة لعينة من الفنادق الجزائرية ذات التصنيف خمس نجوم على موقع Tripadvisor

الكاتب : بوعافية ابراهيم . مصطفاوي الطيب .


This paper aims to investigate the impact of electronic word of mouth on the marketing of hospitality services in some five-star Algerian hotels. The research examines the impact of reviews published on the TripAdvisor platform in relation to these hotels. Adopting a content analysis method, by scraping reviews made by users who stayed in four hotels in Algeria. a total of 893 reviews were analyzed with the help of qualitative analysis software NVivo 11. Topics related to the hotel's deserving of a five-star rating, quality of food, staff and quality of service, and furniture in the rooms were further highlighted. It turns out that the majority of customer reviews have been positive. However, some reviewers expressed their dissatisfaction with the services provided. Finally, some recommendations will be given to hotel managers to correct the existing shortcomings.

الكلمات المفتاحية

e-WoM ; reviews ; hotels ; hospitality services marketing ; TripAdvisor