Volume 1, Numéro 1, Pages 01-18

Understanding The Necessity Of Change In The Organization

Authors : Belaidi Ali .


In today’s competition environment, organizations are forced to change according to the pressures of the outside environment and also from its core. A process can be observed in each type of change in the organization. This paper proposes a theoritical framework and litterature regarding a change in oragnization. It starts with an overview of global social change within the economic world to reach an orgnaization. Thus all organizations, as a social and economic entity, are concerned by the change, and more precisely by an organizational change. The paper presents the insights reveals by a review of the litterature about the nature of organizational change, and provides a deep understanding of it, and also pinning down the main components, which explain from different angles the change. Focussing on explaining the theoretical models that support the organizationa change, the present article brings attention to the fundamental pilars of the orgnaizational change and when and how organizations should embark in organizational changes


organizational changing; Contingency, adaptation; evolutionary process; organizational restructuring