مجلة قبس للدراسات الإنسانية والاجتماعية
Volume 8, Numéro 1, Pages 1470-1481

National Innovation System Mechanisms For Strengthening Institutional-university Cooperation

Authors : Balta Meriem . Chabi Sana .


The university plays a key role in the dissemination of scientific and technological knowledge, and in recent years, it has focused on the development of entrepreneurship and the development of skills and projects related to it, with the aim of creating new entrepreneurs who contribute to the development of the national economy through their entrepreneurial projects. According to the country's Minister of the Knowledge Economy and Emerging Enterprises, Yassine Walid, the country has completed the creation of 60 business incubators specialized in incubating and accelerating the growth of startups in the country. In this sense, this article aims to shed light on the concepts of start-ups, their features and characteristics, their importance, reality and prospects with reference to Algeria in this field, and one of our findings is that Algeria has taken several measures to facilitate the process for innovative youth in order to introduce this new concept in the economic arena.


National Innovation System ; university ; business incubators ; start-ups