مجلة البحوث الاقتصادية والمالية
Volume 11, Numéro 1, Pages 751-774

Innovating Together: Unleashing The Power Of Open Innovation In University-industry Partnerships" Analysis Of Leading Global Models Of Cooperation Between Companies And Universities

Authors : Beghni Souleyman . Gourari Miryam .


The primary objective of this study is to explore the collaborative relationship between corporations and academic institutions, using open innovation as a framework to facilitate mutual cooperation. The significance of this investigation lies in its potential to confer a competitive edge upon businesses, with universities serving as pivotal hubs for scientific inquiry and knowledge creation. Employing a descriptive analytical methodology, we sought to gather and analyze pertinent data and information pertaining to this subject matter. Upon scrutinizing five prominent global models of corporate-university collaboration, we identified diverse strategies adopted by companies to fortify this partnership. These strategies encompass the establishment of research hubs in conjunction with academic entities, the initiation of collaborative research endeavors aimed at problem-solving, the facilitation of knowledge transfer through mutual cooperation initiatives, the endorsement of university-originated patents, the cultivation of trust networks, and the exploration of avenues for future collaborative ventures.


Open innovation ; Knowledge transfer ; R&D ; Cooperation strategy ; University