Journal of social protection research
Volume 5, Numéro 1, Pages 68-80

The Pivotal Role Of Higher Education In Fostering Entrepreneurial Spirit Among The Youth. Case Study : Oran University

Authors : Cherfaoui Aicha . Senoussaoui Fatna .


The aim of this paper is to know the essential role of Algerian universitiesin the development of an entrepreneurial culture at graduating students, because they're looking for jobs and integrating into the world of work. After refining the conceptual framework of the concept of entrepreneurial culture, highlighting the importance of entrepreneurial education at the University and clarifying the difference between the traditional concept of the University and Entrepreneurial University and its requirement. In the field study, we did an interview with students of third year license option entrepreneurship at the University of Boumerdes.In order to Processing the problem of research, we used some statistical tools to analyse their answers and viewpoints.Finally, we have achieved a series of results; the most important is adapting academic formation through vocational training. This helps students to acquire the administrative, technical and scientific skills that enable them to manage their entrepreneurial projects.We proposed some recommendations to develop the entrepreneurial culture in the student.


University, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial University, Entrepreneurial Education, Entrepreneurial Culture