International Journal of Automation and Safety
Volume 2, Numéro 1, Pages 19-23

Developing An Image Encryption Algorithm Utilizing Chaotic Systems

Authors : Herbadji Djamel .


In recent years, the utilization of chaotic maps in encryption has emerged as a compelling area of research, owing to its myriad advantages, rendering it highly suitable for cryptographic applications. This paper introduces a novel image encryption algorithm founded on a confusion-diffusion process. The Logistic-Logistic System is employed to alter both the positions and values of image pixels, while the Sin-Sin system is utilized to modify the pixel values. Remarkably robust security is achieved with just a single encryption round. The algorithm's efficacy has been corroborated through security analysis, with experimental results showcasing its simplicity, efficiency, and attributes such as a vast key space and high sensitivity to its key


image encryption ; security ; Chaotic

Real-time Fpga Implementation Of A Switching Chaotic Generators For The Secure Embedded Systems

Azzaz Mohamad Salah . Camel .  Sadoudi Said .  Dandache Abbas .  A. Bouridane Ahmed . 
pages 61-65.

An Easy Adapted Image Chaotic Cipher To Awgn Canal Transmission

Khalfallah Ali .  Mbaya Naim .  Bouhlel Mohamed Salim . 
pages 20-33.