Models & Optimisation and Mathematical Analysis Journal
Volume 1, Numéro 1, Pages 25-32

Secured Scheme For Encryption Key Distribution In Wlan Using Quatum Cryptography

Authors : Djellab Rima . Benmohammed Mohamed .


WLANs are deployed almost everywhere and relevant information, as passwords, cards number, etc, are transmitted over wirelesses channels. Such information must be secure in such way that only legitimist communicants can read it. Cryptography is the main solution that allows participants A and B, to exchange data without risk of eavesdropping. Nevertheless, the classical cryptography is front of pertinent problematic, how to share a secured key to encrypt information? Shannon theory stipules that an encryption key is secured and can resist to all attacks even the one using quantum computation, if and only if it’s randomly generated and used only once time. The Quantum Key Distribution, based on physical lows, offers the opportunity to generate completely random bit string that can be use for deriving encryption key. It seems also, to be the only technique that does not present vulnerability against the quantum calculating power. In this paper, we present an enhanced scheme for deriving a secured encryption key for WLAN using the quantum key distribution principals.


802.11i stadard, BB84, cryptography, key distribution, network security, QKD, quantum cryptography, security, wireless network.