المجلة الجزائرية للأمن والتنمية
Volume 13, Numéro 2, Pages 219-231

The Digital Addiction Of Children To Smartphones: An Exploration Of Causes And Solutions

Authors : Aissani Souad . Heddar Khaled .


Abstract: This study aimed to identify the factors contributing to smartphone addiction among children in Batna province and propose solutions to prevent and address this issue. The research question was: What are the causes of smartphone addiction in children and what are the proposed solutions to address this addiction? A descriptive approach was employed using participant observation with a sample of 20 children aged between 2 and 8 years from Batna province. This purposive sampling method was selected to ensure the collection of comprehensive data. The study found that the primary causes of smartphone addiction stem from parental behavior, both intentional and unintentional, as well as the influence of peers. The proposed solutions include providing children with more opportunities for outdoor play and physical activity and encouraging parental control over smartphone usage.


Addiction ; smartphones ; children ; causes ; solutions