المجلة الجزائرية للأمن والتنمية
Volume 13, Numéro 2, Pages 119-130

The Role Of Civil Society In Environmental Protection In Algeria

Authors : Bahi Samir . Zanouda Mouna .


This study aims to identify the constitutional framework in Algeria regarding the role of civil society in environmental protection, primarily focusing on the currently effective 2020 constitution which embodies the highest legal framework regulating the work of civil society and directing the activities of its various institutions concerned with environmental affairs. The study concluded that environmental protection is a shared responsibility between the state and society, according to the Algerian Constitution of 2020. Therefore, the Constitution recognizes civil society institutions as active partners of the state in achieving environmental protection goals and promoting environmental awareness, especially given their proximity to citizens. Accordingly, the Constitution approved the establishment of Consultative institutions that promote the work of civil society institutions in various fields, particularly in environmental affairs.


Constitution 2020, civil society, environment , environmental protection. Algeria