IMAGO Interculturalité et Didactique
Volume 23, Numéro 1, Pages 80-104

Stick-to-itiveness Of Algerian Women Fighters In Maliha Hamidou Faithful To Homeland...faithful Unto Death

Authors : Kissi Khalida .


At the rise of the Algerian independence from the French colonizer, important narratives about the war frequently referred to the different ‘contributions’, ‘roles’, ‘positions’, ‘assistances’, etc… of the Algerian woman fighter. The present work introduces her as one of the componentts of the Algerian independence whose achievements transcend the biocultural muliebrity and virility differentia that denaturalized the place she occupied in this war. It investigates her drift of determination, especially in Maliha HAMIDOU, staying faithful to homeland, and so to the praiseworthy others... The fighting qualities of Maliha HAMIDOU have certainly characterized many Algerian fighters. She remarkably undertook war strategies and collegialities, and managed to lead the Algerian war of liberation towards victory under the decisive behaviour she displayed as an Algerian combatant. Information is collected from a memorandum, a number of herstories, narratives, and testimonies of Maliha’s family members, neighbours and friends in Tlemcen, her hometown. The main objective of the present work is to highlight the different layers of determination behind which stands the fabric of a patriot.


Algeria ; Tlemcen ; Colonization ; Women Fighters ; Maliha Hamidou ; Self-Determination Theory ; Stick-to-Itiveness ; Education