IMAGO Interculturalité et Didactique
Volume 23, Numéro 1, Pages 48-63

The Role Of Algerian Women In Shaping Politics During The War Of Independence

Authors : Braik Fethia . Meddahi Radhia .


In every war, women were among the combatants; therefore, this article explores the history of the Algerian Independence War, with a focus on the remarkable and often overlooked contributions of women revolutionaries. With the fierce struggle for independence, this study aims to honor and acknowledge the brave Algerian female revolutionists who played a pivotal role in the nation's quest for freedom. Employing a historical narrative analysis approach, this research offers the stories of these extraordinary women. By examining their roles, motivations, and strategies, this study reveals the diverse and influential positions women held during the war. From the countryside to cities, carrying food and bombs, these fearless women, and thus this paper, prove that without women, the Algerian revolution would have remained incomplete.


Algerian Independence War ; women revolutionists ; historical narratives ; role of women ; heroines