الاكاديمية للدراسات الاجتماعية و الانسانية
Volume 13, Numéro 6, Pages 140-147

Factors Behind Barack Obama’s Unprecedented Victory In 2008 Presidential Elections

Authors : Braik Fethia .


In the history of the United States, Barack Obama is the first person of a “different” skin color to hold the office of the president. The “dream” of Martin Luther King seemed to come true. That would seem peculiar and strange in a country whose previous presidents were all white. The presidential elections of 2008 drew the attention of many observers and commentators who highlighted the different factors which led Obama to victory. Technology and social media changed the political scene in the United States considerably. Candidates to presidential or local elections use web applications such as Facebook or/and Twitter to communicate with citizens and gain their political supports. Obama, the 44th President of the United States, was the first candidate to elections who made an extensive use of websites, e-mails, mobile applications, and Facebook and Twitter. His use of social media played a pivotal role in winning him the 2008 elections. The present research examines how technology and social media played an influential role in enhancing political activities in the United States, and how Obama pioneered this sphere. Besides, the paper shed light on many other important factors that contributed to Obama’s unprecedented victory in the presidential elections 2008.


econoic recession ; Obama ; Rcae ; Religion ; Social media ; technology ; US Presidential elections