مجلة العلوم الاجتماعية و الانسانية
Volume 14, Numéro 1, Pages 1021-1043

Campbell-bennerman Conference 1907 Ad And The Disintegration Of The Arab Region Is A Reality And Stakes .

Authors : Benhamed Saadia .


The Arab region is considered one of the most prominent regions that received great attention from the major colonial powers, especially Britain, France, America, and Russia, due to the geographical, economic, and strategic importance it enjoys. The Campbell-Bennerman Conference of 1907 AD was considered the first nucleus of the colonial projects that fragmented the Arab region, and the fight against its liberation and unionist movements. . Which is considered the basic nucleus for the emergence of various colonial projects in the region, including: the Sykes-Picot Agreement, the Balfour Declaration, and finally the San Remo Conference, which drew the political map, and is considered, after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, and the change of the political map of the Arab countries in accordance with what was stated in the Treaty of Sèvres and Lausanne within the framework of settling the situation. After World War I, which ended the Ottoman Caliphate, colonial projects were overwhelmed, the first of which was the Campbell-Bennerman Conference, which was considered the most dangerous of these projects, To achieve the colonial states' goals in the region, the conference participants devised a plan to ensure their continued presence and control.so The Campbell-Bannerman plan had a significant impact on Arab countries and served as the core for subsequent agreements such as the Sykes-Picot Agreement. the Balfour Declaration, the Versailles Conference, the San Remo Conference, the Treaty of Sèvres and Lausanne, and the issuance of the Partition Plan (181) on November 29, 1947, and the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, gaining its 59th membership in the United Nations. These agreements, arising from the conference, divided the Arab world at the time and opposed any unifying direction. What was the most important thing in it? What did the conferences result in? What are its repercussions on the Arab region? La région arabe est considérée comme l’une des régions les plus importantes qui a reçu une grande attention de la part des grandes puissances coloniales, notamment la Grande-Bretagne, la France, l’Amérique et la Russie, en raison de l’importance géographique, économique et stratégique dont elle jouit. L'année 1907 est considérée comme le premier noyau des projets coloniaux qui ont fragmenté la région arabe et de la lutte contre ses mouvements de libération et unionistes. Considéré comme le noyau de base de l'émergence de divers projets coloniaux dans la région, parmi lesquels : l'accord Sykes-Picot, la déclaration Balfour et enfin la conférence de San Remo, qui a tracé la carte politique, et est considérée, après l'effondrement de l'Empire ottoman et le changement de la carte politique des pays arabes conformément à ce qui était énoncé dans le Traité de Sèvres et de Lausanne dans le cadre du règlement de la situation. Après la Première Guerre mondiale, qui a mis fin au califat ottoman, les projets coloniaux ont été Le premier d'entre eux fut la conférence Campbell-Bennerman, considérée comme le plus dangereux de ces projets. Quels ont été les résultats des conférences ? Quelles sont ses répercussions sur la région arabe ?


: colonial projects ; project plan ; the Arab world, geostrategic ; Campbell Conference ; , the Arab world, geostrategic