Revue algérienne des lettres
Volume 8, Numéro 2, Pages 95-108

Reading Michelle Obama’s Becoming As A Black Feminist Epistemology

Authors : Chouchane Selma .


This study analyzes Michelle Obama's autobiography Becoming (2018) through the lens of black feminist epistemology, exploring its role as a platform for knowledge production among black women. Drawing upon Patricia Hill Collins' theoretical framework, the research examines how Obama's narrative reveals the different forms of oppression and how they operate within the hegemonic knowledge and how it offers a counter-narrative of black womanhood. The study concludes that Obama's memoir emerges as a black feminist epistemology that challenges systemic injustices, centers black women's experiences, and empowers them to assert their voices and agency.


Becoming ; racism ; sexism ; classism ; black feminist epistemology

Womanist Exploration Of Michelle Obama’s Becoming

Gafour Zahra Ines .  Hanifi Aissa . 
pages 377-386.