مجلة العلوم وافاق المعارف
Volume 4, Numéro 1, Pages 241-258

The Constitutional Court In Algeria- Critical Analytical Study

Authors : Boulagouas Ibtissem .


The constitutional amendment of 2020 brought about many reforms, mainly the establishment of the constitutional court as an independent constitutional institution in charge of guaranteeing the respect of the constitutional document. The constitutional court replaced the constitutional council that was established by the previous Algerian constitutions starting from that of 1963 to that of 2016, except the constitution of 1976 that did not provide for the establishment of an institution that guarantees the supremacy of the constitutional document. This study evaluates the constitutional reforms that touched the constitutional body assigned with the control over the constitutionality of the laws, regarding their form or competency.


constitutional court ; formation ; competencies ; independence ; exemption of constitutionality