مجلة الروائز
Volume 8, Numéro 1, Pages 569-592

Stress, Emotion Regulation And Mental Health: What Links?

Authors : Said Errahmani Roumaissa . Gahar Sabrina .


This analytical theoretical study aims to highlight three central concepts in psychology: stress, emotion regulation, and mental health. Defining the ABCs of each concept accurately allows us to clarify the importance of regulating emotions during stressful situations and its impact on an individual's mental health and well-being. We tried in this article to present the interactions between stress, emotion regulation, and mental health through four axes: the first concerns stress, the second concerns emotion regulation, the third concerns mental health, and finally, the fourth is where we tried to discuss the relationship between these concepts.


stress ; emotion regulation strategies ; mental health ; psychological disorder

The Effect Of Work Stress On Mental Health - The Case Of Sfbt Company

Jallouli Fayza .  Grari Sabrina . 
pages 824-840.