مجلة طبنـــة للدراسات العلمية الأكاديمية
Volume 7, Numéro 1, Pages 1534-1550

Custody Of Unknown’s Children Parentage And The Problem Of The Family Name In Algerian Legislation

Authors : Aissaoui Nabila .


Abstract: The research aims to address the problem of the right to request a change of the family name for a foster child of unknown parentage in order to match the family name of the foster parent, in accordance with the provisions of Decree No. 20-223, dated on: August 08th, 2020, amending and supplementing to the Decree No. 71-157, dated on: June 03rd, 1971, concerning the change of name. Through this study, we have found that despite the legislator's attempt to eliminate all the legal issues raised by the subject of a child of unknown parentage obtaining a new family name, especially concerning parentage, marriage, and inheritance, the reality has shown the difficulties faced by both the foster parent and the foster child in obtaining administrative documents.


custody ; , child of unknown parentage ; foster parent ; , change of family name, ; adoption.